We are people much like you, ordinary people: professionals and business people, engineers and architects, doctors and lawyers. Some of us live and work abroad, others are in Pakistan. Our names and our faces are not important. What is important is what we want to do for Pakistan and for Pakistani Politics. We are not politicians. And, in normal times, we would have no inclination to be involved in politics. 

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But these are not normal times. Pakistan today confronts existential challenges. We at Mustaqbil believe that our politicians – whether they are in government or in opposition – do not have the ability to guide Pakistan out of its troubles. This is because politics today is almost a dirty word. It has come to be associated with incompetence, corruption, lies, extortion, intimidation, violence, and yes, even stupidity. It is a measure of the depth to which politics has sunk that some of our colleagues – people of merit and excellence – are apprehensive about having their names linked publicly with Mustaqbil. This is not the way it should be. It should be that the best of Pakistan’s people are drawn to the political process and should participate vigorously in it. They should be able to do so without fear for themselves or their families. Our goal then is nothing short of ensuring that the best, the most competent and the most capable of Pakistan’s people vie for elected office – at all levels, provincial and national. We have thought about this long and hard and we are confident that this is an achievable goal. But, we have no illusions. The road will be long, tortuous and difficult. Success, by no means, guaranteed. People ask us: Have you lost your minds? Do you really think that you have a chance in the rough and tumble of Pakistani politics? Are you not afraid for what might happen to you and your families? These are pertinent questions. We realize that these risks exist. But, we also realize that doing nothing is no longer an option.

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